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Lewis Clark Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Role

Ambassadors play a critical role in welcoming members into the life of the Chamber. In exchange for their service, they and their company receives recognition and marketing through their presence at Chamber events, the Ambassador spotlight in the monthly newsletter, shout-outs at Chamber luncheons, and an Ambassador profile at their monthly meeting.

Luncheon Table captain

Ambassadors serve as table captains at our monthly luncheons. In exchange for their service, they receive a free lunch. They welcome guests, engage members in conversation, and provide feedback to the Chamber CEO. They make introductions for new guests, ask our directive questions, and provide the Chamber with company updates from members at their tables.

TBT (Touch Base Tuesday/Thursday)

Chamber Ambassadors connect with members and bring new members into the fold. They bring swag and pastries to Members (preferable on Tuesday or Thursday for TBT) and/or check in with them a few times a year. They are the Chamber’s boots on the ground, asking how things are going, what updates an organization might have, and if the members have any questions. It’s an opportunity for Ambassadors to expand their network, hear directly from businesses, and be of assistance to our membership.


Ambassadors are the lifeblood of Business After Hours, volunteering at check-in, and introducing new members and guests to acquaintances and friends at the event. Ambassadors can mix and mingle, or just be a partner to a new member. Some will stay after and help the host clean up after the event; there are always leftovers for the taking!

Ribbon Cuttings

Chamber Ambassadors show their support for new business by simply showing up for ribbon cuttings. They welcome the business, spread excitement, and pose for a photo op. It’s a great way to have your business profiled in our newsletter and on FB!

Ambassador meetings

Ambassadors attend monthly business meetings for the volunteer group. This is another opportunity for them to market their organization and connect with potential clients, funders, and colleagues. The meetings are on Thursdays over lunch, usually the first Thursday of the month. The Chair of the Ambassador group usually sits on the Board of Directors for the Chamber of Commerce.

Time commitment

Ambassadors are expected to visit or contact at least 12 businesses a year (January – December), and help out at least 4 events (luncheon, BAH, ribbon cuttings). For any questions about the Ambassador program or to get involved, please contact [email protected] or 509-758-7712.

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